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Save The Bees

Do you see that bee over there and just wonder if the saying is true?

"Busy Like A Bee"

In a good year, one bee colony can produce 25-60 pounds of honey.

But did you know an average worker bee only produces 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime? 

Do you know how to help "Save The Bees"?

The bee population has decreased since the beginning of 2006.

Between pests, diseases, loss of habitat, exposure to pesticides, and CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder), hives cannot survive by themselves without worker bees.

Honey bees have declined 37.7% just this past year.

Even potential immune-suppressing stress on bees caused by one or more of the factors above is a problem for the honey bee's health.

Honey harvest from bee colonies could be significantly better in five to seven years with the help from people.

We need to create a habitat with different sources of food for our bees.

If they are strong and healthy, bees would be far better off and have the capacity to survive.

Do you know honey bees don't stop working at night?

I was so amazed the first time I heard a bee buzzing around in the dark.

If we think about it, it is dark inside the hive all the time.

Most bees do rest and sleep at night because daylight is valuable for food sources.

Bees are known for catching a few ZZZ's here and there.

Short "bee naps" are for the young bees.

The older bees need more extended periods to remain motionless.

But bees do not hibernate either; they cluster together.

They use their bodies to generate heat, taking turns being on the outside of the cluster.

Did you know honey bees pollinate one in every three bites of food we eat? 


Now that should make you think about each bite of food you take.
Have you ever wondered what a honey bee's diet is?

Each capped honeycomb contains the nectar from about 1,000 different flowers. 

It is composed of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, minerals, lipids, and a wide range of nutrients.

Demand for the bee's services has soared from fruit, nut, and vegetable growers. 

You can help boost the survival of bees by planting bee-friendly plants. 

They are rich sources of nectar and pollen. 

You should, therefore, check out the type of plants that thrive within your region.

Surprisingly, dandelions are one of the earliest flowering plants for the bees to pollinate. 

So instead of a whole yard full of green grass - plant clover or wildflowers. 

Herbs are beautiful to pollinators also. 




and even Catnip. 

Try to aim to have a vast array of colors that bloom from early spring to late fall. 

Just a thought, a honey bee will visit between 50 and 250 flowers on each round trip. 

That is about 7-10 flights a day. 


Ever wonder if the honey bees get thirsty?

Yes, they do!

You can provide a water source like a birdbath or a small wet area where water leaks from a hose. 

Have a supply of clean water in a partially shaded area with floating material is good.

It will prevent the bees from drowning.

That is a lifesaver for bees.

So if you plant a pack or two of flower or vegetable seeds, in the spring, you will have a thriving garden that will be enjoyed by all insects.

Whether you have an ample garden space or just a small container garden, watching bees is an exciting and rewarding activity anywhere you are.

If people want to “save the bees,” encourage people to focus on habitat and avoid pesticide usage.

Get in touch with nature. 

We need to educate ourselves by letting the bees do what they do naturally. 

We can all help save the bees!

Melinda Moats is a freelance writer specializing in engaging content for small businesses. You can learn more about her at Forget-Me-NotsVirtualAssistant.com.

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