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Boa Constrictor Hydration

Boa Constrictor Hydration

Do You Think You Can Identify If Your Boa Constrictor Is Dehydrated?


It all starts with getting to know how to read your boa constrictor and its health.

Boa constrictors, despite their size, have pretty common health problems.

Like humans, boa constrictors can get dehydrated. No living creatures can survive without water.

It all starts with properly getting to know your boa constrictor and its health.

You must be diligent in noticing if your boa constrictor is not acting normal or stressed.

A snake typically drinks more water right after the consumption and digestion of its food.

To give you an idea, your snake should eat every seven to ten days.

A dehydrated snake will avoid eating food, drinking water, and it loses the sense of awareness, so do not feed until the problem is solved.

It is essential to be mindful of checking the water dish every day. It will evaporate in the warm enclosure, and no water is not suitable for anyone, including boa constrictors.

Ensure the sizeable shallow dish is clean thoroughly and filled with water because your snake will lay in the water bowl on the cool side of the enclosure.

Do not use distilled water. Chlorine or chloramine is not suitable for snakes, so go for the tap or filtered water.

What Are The Three Main Treatments For A Dehydrated Boa Constrictor?

Here is how to figure out what's going to work best for your snake's body condition.

By supplying yourself with a substantial amount of knowledge on how hydration works, a boa constrictor will get the majority of its water from its food and moisture in the air.

A significant sign of fluid loss is rapid weight loss, and your snake will become less active and alert.

As your snake gets more dehydrated, it will pass a firmer stool using as little water as possible.

The snake will display symptoms such as cracked eye caps, dry inner-mouth and tongue, and constipation.

When the natural process results of its shed, get stuck around the eyes, nose, and tail.

The regularly shedding process should come off in one complete piece.

The snake's skin will fold or tents to a peak when pinched and stay wrinkled rather than snap back into place or lose skin elasticity.

The First Way To Rehydrate A Boa Constrictor Is A Bath

Have you ever thought about bathing the snake?

  1. Please consult your vet first as no traditional baths will work.
  2. Try using a warm electrolyte bath.
    1. An electrolyte bath consists of one inch of 75% unflavored Pedialyte and 25% warm water.
    2. The snake uses minerals to regulate its body fluids and energy metabolism.
  3. You will need to use a container with a lid, place the snake inside, and close the cover as a stressed-out boa constrictor needs a place to feel secure and not stressed out.
  4. Let the snake soak for 15 to 30 minutes. You can redo after ninety minutes if it needs one more trial.
  5. Before returning the snake to its enclosure, make sure you gently towel dry to remove the electrolytes.

The Second Common Way Will Be The Enclosure Humidity Level

  1. Keep in mind if the enclosure has an inadequate low humidity level or temperature at all times, it will cause the snake to suffer dehydration.
  2. You may need to think about getting a large enough humidity box and filling it with sphagnum moss.
    1. It needs to be on the enclosure’s warm side, so it remains damp and humid, like their natural environment.
  3. Just make sure you know your environment.
    1. Is it a cool and dry climate or a humid climate?
  4. As a tropical climate, you will use aspen shavings and cypress mulch to maintain the enclosure’s humidity.
    1. Always remember never to use cedar shavings as it is deadly for your snake.
  5. The boa constrictor's enclosure should have a humidity range that fluctuates between 55% to 75% to satisfy their hydration needs and consistent throughout the day.
    1. If you need help with this, invest in a hygrometer as it monitors the humidity levels.
  6. It would also be a great idea to use an automatic mister set for short periods of time, or a simple hand-held spray bottle will work well.

Your Third And Most Importantly, Owning The Right Proper Snake


  1. They are nocturnal, and if your enclosure is too small, it won't be able to do most of their movement at night.
    1. A good rule to follow is the enclosure needs to be the snake's length x width x height.
    2. To sum it up, it must equal the snake’s size by utilizing vet care, the complete length, and allow for adequate flow throughout the enclosure.
  2. Your snake won't regulate its body temperature if it doesn't have adequate space to move around.
  3. As your boa constrictor's size increases, you must regularly update and replace your enclosure.
    1. Keep in mind that your boa constrictor can triple its size in one year.
  4. It will most likely have a lot to do with the health of your boa constrictor.

All Different Options To Begin The Process Of Rehydration In Your Boa Constrictor

If the wrinkles and sunken eyes have not gotten better, it is time to seek a veterinarian’s help that immediately works with reptiles.

Sometimes dehydration will have to get worse before any signs are diagnosed and handled. If not caught soon enough, it can lead to death.

They will try to prevent severe dehydration by utilizing vet care to lead to kidney and heart failure, acidosis, and shock.

You need to act upon your snake’s changes and be patient as it does take some time to rehydrate.

Keep a written record of those changes just if there is an underlying health problem with your boa constrictor.

A rehydrated and stress-free boa constrictor is a happy and healthy snake, relatively low maintenance, and easy to care for, but they are also entitled to bad days.

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